/** * Retrieves the translation of text. * * @see https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/reference-guides/packages/packages-i18n/ */ import {__} from '@wordpress/i18n'; /** * React hook that is used to mark the block wrapper element. * It provides all the necessary props like the class name. * * @see https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/reference-guides/packages/packages-block-editor/#useblockprops */ import {useBlockProps, InspectorControls, RichText} from '@wordpress/block-editor'; import { PanelBody, ToggleControl, QueryControls, FormTokenField, RadioControl, RangeControl, TextControl, TextareaControl, Dashicon } from '@wordpress/components'; import {useSelect, select} from '@wordpress/data'; import {useEffect, useState} from '@wordpress/element'; import PostSearchControl from '../../bloque-pl-componentes/src/components/PostSearchControl'; /** * Lets webpack process CSS, SASS or SCSS files referenced in JavaScript files. * Those files can contain any CSS code that gets applied to the editor. * * @see https://www.npmjs.com/package/@wordpress/scripts#using-css */ import './editor.scss'; /** * The edit function describes the structure of your block in the context of the * editor. This represents what the editor will render when the block is used. * * @see https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/reference-guides/block-api/block-edit-save/#edit * * @return {Element} Element to render. */ export default function Edit({attributes, setAttributes}) { const dir_images = '../wp-content/themes/ux_prensalibre/client/build/images/iconos'; const [selectedTags, setSelectedTags] = useState([]); const [searchQuery, setSearchQuery] = useState(""); const [selectedTagIds, setSelectedTagIds] = useState([]); const [selectedValue, setSelectedValue] = useState('0'); const [idsPost, setIdsPost] = useState([]); const { category, count_category, array_post, titulo_modulo, mostrar_categoria, mostrar_fecha, selectTags, is_plus, no_filas, tax_relation_ns, tag_plus, unit, publi_desc, url_titulo, exclude_posts, mostrar_widget, type_form, class_style_block, notas_mood, post_id, post_array_manual, btn_disabled } = attributes; const [taxRelationNS, setTaxRelationNS] = useState(tax_relation_ns); const [typeForm, settypeForm] = useState(type_form); const [moodPost, setMoodPost] = useState(notas_mood); const [arrNotas, setArrNotas] = useState(post_array_manual); const catIDs = category && category.length > 0 ? category.map((cat) => cat.id) : []; // CATEGORÍAS const categoriesPost = useSelect( (select) => { const {getEntityRecords} = select('core'); return getEntityRecords('taxonomy', 'category', { per_page: -1 }); }, [] ); useEffect(() => { if (categoriesPost) { } }, [categoriesPost]); // MANTIENE LAS CATEGORÍAS SELECCIONADAS EN QUERYCONTROLS const onChangeCategory = (values) => { const hasNoSuggestions = values.some( (value) => typeof value === 'string' && !catSuggestions[value] ); if (hasNoSuggestions) return; const updatedCats = values.map((token) => { return typeof token === 'string' ? catSuggestions[token] : token; }); setAttributes({category: updatedCats}); }; // FILTRA LAS CATEGORÍAS QUE TIENEN POST const categoriesWithPosts = categoriesPost ? categoriesPost.filter((categoryItem) => { const hasPosts = categoryItem && categoryItem.count > 0; return hasPosts; }) : []; const catSuggestions = {}; if (categoriesWithPosts) { for (let i = 0; i < categoriesWithPosts.length; i++) { const cat = categoriesWithPosts[i]; catSuggestions[cat.id + ' - ' + cat.name] = cat; } } const perPageValue = count_category * no_filas; // Define el slug de la etiqueta que estás buscando const tagSlug = 'suscriptores'; // Realiza la consulta para obtener la etiqueta con el slug especificado const tagQuery = useSelect( (select) => { const tags = select('core').getEntityRecords('taxonomy', 'post_tag', { per_page: 1, slug: tagSlug, }); return tags ? tags[0]?.id : null; }, [tagSlug] ); useEffect(() => { if (tagQuery) { setAttributes({tag_plus: tagQuery}); } }, [tagQuery]); const posts = useSelect( (select) => { const {getEntityRecords} = select("core"); if (notas_mood === "1" && post_id) { // Modalidad Manual: Cargar solo el post guardado en `post_id` return getEntityRecords("postType", "post", { status: "publish", per_page: 1, orderby: "date", order: "desc", _embed: true, include: [post_id], // Asegura que se envía como array }); } if (notas_mood === "0") { // Modalidad Automática: Cargar lista de posts const result = getEntityRecords("postType", "post", { status: "publish", _embed: true, per_page: perPageValue, order_by: "date", categories: catIDs, tags: selectTags, tax_query: [ { relation: taxRelationNS, taxonomy: "category", field: "term_id", terms: catIDs, }, ], }); let resultPlus = []; if (is_plus === 1) { resultPlus = getEntityRecords("postType", "pl_plus", { status: "publish", _embed: true, per_page: perPageValue, order_by: "date", categories: catIDs, tags: selectTags, tax_query: [ { relation: taxRelationNS, taxonomy: "category", field: "term_id", terms: catIDs, }, ], }); } // Combina y ordena los resultados const combinedResults = [...(result || []), ...(resultPlus || [])]; return combinedResults.sort((a, b) => new Date(b.date) - new Date(a.date)); } return []; }, [notas_mood, catIDs, selectTags, perPageValue, is_plus, tag_plus, taxRelationNS, post_id] ); useEffect(() => { if (notas_mood === "1") { if (posts && Array.isArray(posts) && posts.length > 0) { // Filtrar posts duplicados antes de procesarlos const uniquePosts = posts.filter( newPost => !post_array_manual.some(existingPost => existingPost.id === newPost.id) ); // Procesar y eliminar propiedades no deseadas const updatedPosts = uniquePosts.map((post) => { delete post.content; delete post.class_list; delete post.comment_status; delete post.format; delete post.generated_slug; delete post.jetpack_featured_media_url; delete post.password; delete post.permalink_template; delete post.ping_status; delete post.slug; delete post.status; delete post._links; delete post.guid; // Devolver el objeto actualizado return post; }); setArrNotas((prevNotas) => [...prevNotas, ...updatedPosts]); setAttributes({ post_array_manual: [...post_array_manual, ...updatedPosts], }); // Actualizar los IDs de los posts const postIds = [...new Set([...post_array_manual.map(post => post.id), ...updatedPosts.map(post => post.id)])]; setIdsPost(postIds); } } else if (notas_mood === "0") { // Eliminar la propiedad 'content' de cada post const updatedPosts = posts.map((post) => { // Eliminar múltiples propiedades delete post.content; delete post.class_list; delete post.comment_status; delete post.format; delete post.generated_slug; delete post.jetpack_featured_media_url; delete post.password; delete post.permalink_template; delete post.ping_status; delete post.slug; delete post.status; delete post._links; delete post.guid; // Devolver el objeto actualizado return post; }); setAttributes({array_post: updatedPosts}); const postIds = updatedPosts.map(post => post.id); setIdsPost(postIds); } }, [posts, notas_mood]); console.log(post_array_manual, 'post_array_manual'); console.log(array_post, 'array_post'); useEffect(() => { if (notas_mood === "1") { setAttributes({array_post: []}); } else if (notas_mood === "0") { setAttributes({post_array_manual: []}); } }, [notas_mood]); // CONVERTIR FECHA const formatDateToText = (isoDate) => { const options = {year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric'}; const date = new Date(isoDate); return date.toLocaleDateString('es-ES', options); }; const queryNotesByTags = useSelect( (select) => { return select("core").getEntityRecords("postType", "post", { per_page: 30, orderby: "date", order: "desc", tags: selectedTagIds, // Filter by specified post tag IDs }); }, [selectedTagIds] ); // Get the tags that match the search const filteredTags = useSelect( (select) => { const perPage = 100; // Number of tags to load per page // Get tags that match the search and have a valid 'name' const matchingTags = select("core").getEntityRecords( "taxonomy", "post_tag", { per_page: perPage, search: searchQuery, _embed: true, } ); return matchingTags || []; }, [searchQuery] ); const handleTagChange = (newValue) => { setSelectedTags(newValue); // Gets the IDs of the selected tags and stores them in selectedTagIds const newTagIds = newValue.map((selectedTagName) => { const selectedTag = filteredTags.find((tag) => tag.name === selectedTagName); return selectedTag ? selectedTag.id : null; }); // Update the attribute only if there are changes if (!arraysEqual(selectedTagIds, newTagIds)) { setAttributes({selectTags: newTagIds}); } setSelectedTagIds(newTagIds); }; // Function to check if two arrays are equal const arraysEqual = (a, b) => { if (a === b) return true; if (a == null || b == null) return false; if (a.length !== b.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false; } return true; }; useEffect(() => { if (queryNotesByTags) { } }, [queryNotesByTags]); const handleChange = (newValue) => { setSelectedValue(newValue); }; const handleChangeRelation = (newValue) => { setTaxRelationNS(newValue); setAttributes({tax_relation_ns: newValue}); }; const handleChangeForm = (newValue) => { settypeForm(newValue); setAttributes({type_form: newValue}); }; useEffect(() => { if (typeForm === '0') { setAttributes({class_style_block: 'col-12'}); } else if ((typeForm === '1') || (typeForm === '2')) { setAttributes({class_style_block: 'col-lg-8 col-xl-9 pe-md-2'}); } }, [typeForm]); const changeMood = (newValue) => { setMoodPost(newValue); setAttributes({notas_mood: newValue}); }; const handleRemove = (noteId) => { const updatedManualPosts = post_array_manual.filter((post) => post.id !== noteId); setAttributes({post_array_manual: updatedManualPosts}); }; return (
setAttributes({publi_desc: value})} /> setAttributes({unit: value})} /> setAttributes({url_titulo: value})} /> setAttributes({btn_disabled: attributes.btn_disabled === 1 ? 0 : 1})} /> {moodPost === '0' && ( <> setAttributes({is_plus: attributes.is_plus === 1 ? 0 : 1})} /> setAttributes({exclude_posts: attributes.exclude_posts === 1 ? 0 : 1})} /> setAttributes({no_filas: value})} min={1} max={10} step={1} /> tag.name)} onChange={handleTagChange} onInputChange={(newSearchQuery) => setSearchQuery(newSearchQuery)} /> )} {moodPost === '1' && (
{ setAttributes({post_id: value}); }} numOfInitialResults={20} filterResults={(results) => results} />
    {post_array_manual.map((post) => (
  • {post.title.raw}{' '}
  • ))}
)} {/* Mostrar o no la categoría */} setAttributes({mostrar_categoria: attributes.mostrar_categoria === 1 ? 0 : 1})} /> {/* Mostrar o no la fecha */} setAttributes({mostrar_fecha: attributes.mostrar_fecha === 1 ? 0 : 1})} /> {/* Mostrar o no el widget */} setAttributes({mostrar_widget: attributes.mostrar_widget === 1 ? 0 : 1})} />

setAttributes({titulo_modulo: value})} />

{moodPost === '0' && array_post && array_post.map((post) => { const hasSuscriptoresTag = post.tags && post.tags.includes(tagQuery) if (hasSuscriptoresTag === true || post.type === "pl_plus") { return (
{post._embedded['wp:featuredmedia'] ? ( ) : ( )} {attributes.mostrar_fecha === 1 && (





); } else { return (
{ post._embedded['wp:featuredmedia'] ? ( ) : ( ) } {attributes.mostrar_fecha === 1 && (


)} {post._embedded['wp:term'] ? attributes.mostrar_categoria === 1 && attributes.mostrar_fecha === 0 && (


) : (


)} {post._embedded['wp:term'] ? attributes.mostrar_categoria === 1 && attributes.mostrar_fecha === 1 && (


) : (




); } })} {post_array_manual && moodPost === '1' && post_array_manual.map((post) => { const hasSuscriptoresTag = post.tags && post.tags.includes(tagQuery) if (hasSuscriptoresTag === true || post.type === "pl_plus") { return (
{post._embedded['wp:featuredmedia'] ? ( ) : ( )} {attributes.mostrar_fecha === 1 && (





); } else { return (
{ post._embedded['wp:featuredmedia'] ? ( ) : ( ) } {attributes.mostrar_fecha === 1 && (


)} {post._embedded['wp:term'] ? attributes.mostrar_categoria === 1 && attributes.mostrar_fecha === 0 && (


) : (


)} {post._embedded['wp:term'] ? attributes.mostrar_categoria === 1 && attributes.mostrar_fecha === 1 && (


) : (




); } })} {typeForm === '1' && (




)} {(typeForm === '1' || typeForm === '2') && (



¿Por qué se pide visa a los dominicanos?


Pedro Castillo pide a la CIDH su libertad y restitución como presidente de Perú


8.500 becas para aprender inglés


La Selección Nacional asciende a la Liga A y clasifica a la Copa Oro


La Selección Nacional asciende a la Liga A y clasifica a la Copa Oro

{typeForm === '1' && (




)} {typeForm === '1' && (




)} {(typeForm === '1' || typeForm === '2') && (



¿Por qué se pide visa a los dominicanos?


Pedro Castillo pide a la CIDH su libertad y restitución como presidente de Perú


8.500 becas para aprender inglés


La Selección Nacional asciende a la Liga A y clasifica a la Copa Oro


La Selección Nacional asciende a la Liga A y clasifica a la Copa Oro

); }