
Sudán: Hallan fosa clandestina con restos de 28 oficiales ejecutados

Khartoum (Sudan), 21/07/2020.- Police officers stand gaurd outside the courthouse, where former Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir and more than 20 others are tried for their role in the 1989 military takeover of the government, Khartoum, Sudan, 21 July 2020. The former Sudanese president and more than 20 other people are on trial for the 1989 military takeover of the country. (Golpe de Estado, Jartum) EFE/EPA/MOHAMMED ABU OBAID

Khartoum (Sudan), 21/07/2020.- Police officers stand gaurd outside the courthouse, where former Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir and more than 20 others are tried for their role in the 1989 military takeover of the government, Khartoum, Sudan, 21 July 2020. The former Sudanese president and more than 20 other people are on trial for the 1989 military takeover of the country. (Golpe de Estado, Jartum) EFE/EPA/MOHAMMED ABU OBAID

Los cuerpos de 28 oficiales del ejército sudanés, autores de un golpe de Estado fallido en 1990 contra el expresidente Omar al Bashir, fueron hallados en una fosa común en Omdurmán, ciudad gemela de Jartum, anunció el jueves el fiscal de la República.