Nueva York obligará a cubrirse nariz y boca en público para limitar contagios

New York (United States), 15/04/2020.- A man in a mask crosses 6th avenue in New York, New York, USA, 15 April 2020. New York Governor announced plans to issue an executive order that will require everyone to wear a mask or face covering while in public. Restrictions requiring the shut down of all non-essential businesses are still in place around the United States to stop the spread of the highly-contagious coronavirus which are having massive economic implications. Politicians and public health officials are begining to suggest plans for lifting some rules in an effort to get parts of the economy going again; many health officials are worried this will lead to another spike in COVID-19 cases. (Estados Unidos, Nueva York) EFE/EPA/JUSTIN LANE
El estado de Nueva York obligará a los ciudadanos a taparse boca y nariz en público con mascarillas o un trozo de tela cuando no se pueda mantener una distancia social de dos metros, declaró este miércoles el gobernador Andrew Cuomo.